
Monster House

Release the Goblins!


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
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Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
11-27-2023, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: 11-27-2023, 01:23 AM by Medusa. Edited 1 time in total.)

One by one they came out of the den, each one in their own way. She watched them with amusement, tail wagging as she continued to beckon them out. She was wary of having them out so young, especially after what happened to Redrum. If it hadn't been for Umbra and Akuma, he likely would have been carried off and killed. She vowed to hunt the beast down and take its life for trying to kill her child, and that day would be soon...Seymour and Umbra had been keeping tabs on it, but her instincts to be a mother came first. But she would get her revenge in due time.

Rawhide came out first, the word out of his mouth wasn't quite fully formed but she knew what he was trying to say. Ichabod and Red came next, and her red child, of course, was practically glued to her side, afraid of being attacked again. "Medusa will protect you! Red will not get hurt like that again," She promised as she leaned down to offer him a few, consecutive kisses. She looked up then to find Sawbone racing out of the den and rolling around on the ground, which had Medusa laughing. Ripper came next, and he was as hesitant as some of the others. Understandable, really.

"Medusa will protect you all! She will not let anyone hurt any of you!" It was time now to do what...she assumed normal wolves did. Teach them! She patted the ground with a paw, "This is grass! It is soft and fun to play in. Flowers grow from the ground, and our food eats the grass and the flowers! And we eat the animals that eat the...grass." She nodded matter-of-factly before she got up. She supposed she oughta take 'em around and show them where the borders were and all that boring but necessary stuff.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:

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1. Monster House Dancefloor of the Gods 11:08 PM, 11-20-2023 09:39 AM, 02-29-2024