
Oh, Father of Mine



The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
11-27-2023, 08:10 AM

Bramble would listen to her father with great interest. Unlike other moments, these were the times that she tried her best to listen and relax. To not allow her mind to wander so that she could put all of her focus on what he had to teach her. Her own eyes would follow the flicker of territory lines that were aglow along the table. Not only was the table for sitting at, it was a tactical map as well. Expertly carved lines to show each and every pack. When had so many risen? She watched as Artorias set up the effigies to show the different packs aside from their own. Though their own lands reached far and wide, other packs had also reached far and wide. Was that why they cared for so many ravens? Wolves couldn't possibly travel that far that quickly and still know everything that went on in both Boreas and Auster.

"Perhaps the bears should learn not to mess with me," Bramble teases back quietly as she looks up at her father. Yes, she wanted both Commander and High Council, the latter being her eventual preference. To sit among the other greats of the Hallows and help lead their pack to whatever great future lay ahead for them.

Leaning back slightly so that she could take in the whole map, she lets out her own thoughtful hum. Friends, enemies, and possibilities. Bramble knew that not everyone needed to be their friend, but wouldn't that be the end goal? For peace and happiness among the lands, they all had to behave and be cordial with each other, no? Artorias does bring up a good point. For her to help lead, she would need the pack to like her. Not necessarily be her friend, but they had to be on her side and not just because she was Artorias' daughter. What wasn't there to like about her though?

Taking a moment, Bramble thinks. What could she do for the Hallows? That included everyone, but wasn't a rip-off of her father's bonfire... When was the last time they had held an event inside of the castle? Her eyes light up suddenly and a small noise leaves her lips. "Ah! What about a party? Uh, what had mom called it? A ball? I'm not sure why she calls it that, but you know, a great big dinner and dancing! Music and festivities!" Bramble beams at Artorias as she looks up from the table to him. "Could I plan something like that to bring everyone together? There are so many within the pack that I think that would be fun! The pups could help make decorations!" She would love to include her siblings and cousins, the pups were her favorite. "Mom could help teach some lessons in manners or party planning, I'm sure she's great at it!"


bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.

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1. Oh, Father of Mine Amron's Castle 01:05 PM, 11-02-2023 03:13 PM, 01-21-2024