
What Are You Laughing At?!

Dorian & Corbin



Intermediate Fighter (51)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-28-2023, 09:21 PM

Corbin had taken a leave from living with the pack even though he remained a part of it.  Somewhere inside him, he knew the pack would always be his family but a chasm lay in between this fact and the unease in his mind.  Roaming helped a little, staying away from the area where bitter-sweet memories haunted him.  That didn’t mean he was always far away.  Corbin had been visiting the runestones to the south-east, letting the oddities divert his attention as he wondered about the strange structure.  They kind of reminded him of that season with all the strange statues.

Hey, there was an idea.  Maybe he could contact Dad somehow.  He’d managed to contact another dead family member back then after all.  Sure, he’d ended up blind but Corbin would be willing to give up his eyes to see his dad again for a few minutes.  

He’d started walking away, lost in such thoughts when a howl reached his ears.  His sister was in trouble!  Death of those he cared for seemed to be a fear that nibbled at Corbin whenever he didn’t keep his guard up so the call for help rattled the dark wolf.  He was running towards the sound before his mind even gave it conscious thought.  

Not again.  Not again would he find a loved one's body torn before him.  Fear and desperation drove Haydee’s brother faster.  His sister and the hyenas came into sight and a snarl of rage filled his gut.  Corbin didn’t bother slowing down, he barreled straight into the closest hyena.  Oddly, Corbin was quite talented at ramming enemies, he knew just where to hit to take one's breath away.  The hyena’s expression was shocked as it staggered.  Corbin didn’t allow it time to think.  He followed up the charge, biting deeply into the hyena’s neck.  His harsh fast breath came with the pounding of his heart, a snarl with each inhale.

If emotion could kill all the hyenas would be dead at that moment.  Corbin stepped in towards the hyena, pressing his weight to keep the creature off balance.  Unfortunately, blinded with rage and the desire to kill the one who wanted to hurt his sister Corbin wasn’t giving enough attention to the other hyenas.

Another broke away from going after Hay, coming up from behind, snapping at Corbin's upper leg.  Corbin let go of the one hyena as he felt the crack of his bone fracture, smelling his own blood.  The pain wasn’t connecting yet, it was just suddenly harder to use the leg.  Adrenalin and a more important need had his mind on other matters.  
Corbin spun about, getting the hyena to let go and pitting the two of them into a stare-off.  This time Corbin was being more careful, stepping in a circular pattern so only hyenas couldn’t get on different angles of him for an advantage.

[Image: PllexzO.png]

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1. What Are You Laughing At?! Grapevine Cathedral 09:30 PM, 11-27-2023 01:04 PM, 07-16-2024