
Putrid Pride


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
11-29-2023, 02:12 PM

Following the reunion of the Saxe brood, and the arrival of the two strangers loyal to Sephiran, Rhazien had been given a command. Of course, this came after trying to reason with the little tyrant, who had been hellbent on dishing out the punishment himself. Tactical in his advance, and political in nature, he had convinced Sephiran to allow him to address the situation. He had to prove his loyalty to the boy as well, especially after performing ploys right beneath his nose.

And, if he were being honest with himself. Part of him was enraged by the fact that this stranger had dared the azure beauty to end her life. Encouraged it even, and walked away from the collateral damage without taking ownership of her mistake. He could only imagine, how vicious Sephiran would have been if Aurelia had successfully killed herself in the wake of Absinth’s suggestions. Still, though, the girl needed to be taught a lesson. And, who better than him to do it?

He had memorized her scent from the meeting- stale wormwood, with feminine undertones. It was easy to find and track, given how thick it had become in the Polar Sound. As he closed in on her, tracking her down to the shore of the oceanside outlet. Rhazien felt an electrifying pulse of bloodlust roll down his spine. Pulling his grizzly cape tighter over his shoulders, sliding his tongue across his serrated fangs. This was going to be fun.

When her silhouette came into view, Rhazien loped towards her. Pelt bristled, ears tipped forward, tail curled and waiving above his hocks. Everything about his demeanor screamed aggression, danger, power. “Absinth,” He called out, seeking her attention. Wanting those acidic, green eyes to widen in fearful delight. “You look so comfortable, for a girl whose yet to atone for her sin.” He was certain she would recognize him from the meeting, and how he had glared daggers into her flesh the entire time. And, given that he had been sitting with Aurelia. It was only fair for Absinth to assume, Rhazien knew about what she had done. “Disobeying Sephiran so blatantly, after you swore loyalty to him. Biting the paw that fed you." A short pause. "It disgusts me." His mind wandered to the fiery boy who had been at her side. He was at fault too. But Sephiran decided to confront Aresenn himself, and Rhazien had no qualms against that. The boys had a rather interesting dynamic, after all. So he would leave him out of this, for now.

Surely, he didn’t have to spell this out for her. If she was a smart girl, she could piece together that she was about to receive a punishment. Playing with Sephiran's toys could get you killed. Baring his fangs, snarling in her direction. Rhazien allowed her a moment of recognition before he surged forward to close the distance between them, with the intent to maim her.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. Putrid Pride The Polar Sound 02:12 PM, 11-29-2023 01:56 AM, 12-29-2023