
until we close our eyes for good



11-30-2023, 07:23 AM

It's safe to say that Ursa was putting all of her trust into Erik. As they wandered and explored the mines, she tried to tell herself they were not lost. He knew where they were going, right? RIGHT? She wasn't going to deny or hide the slight shake that she felt in her legs as they neared the exit of a tunnel. Had long had they been walking the mines? Where were they even? It was terrifying every time she thought about it so instead she focused on the bright exit ahead and the boy beside her.

When they broke from the mines, she too squinted against the harsh light. Her lips scrunch up as she ducks her head to avoid being blinded. In the process, she feels Erik's paw swipe at her ear. Slightly startled, Ursa takes a step away as her head lifts up to look at him. When her eyes focus, she sees the cobweb he had so nicely removed from her fur. Feeling embarrassed for shying away, she smiles at him, her cheeks flushing with warmth.

Grateful that the moment passes quickly as she too hears the rushing river nearby, Ursa looks to the dividing boundary of the pack lands. The Rapids? The name sounds familiar. Had Sirius mentioned something about this land to her at one point? Her father maybe? Her brow scrunches as she follows Erik to the river. Whether it was a pack's lands or not, she was thirsty and there was no harm in slaking her thirst, was there?

Leaning down to sip from the ice cold river, she lifts her muzzle moments later with droplets falling from her lips. It is then that she realizes what she had been told before. "Oh, Kotori leads a pack here!" Ursa says, her voice a mixture of uncertainty and excitement. "I'm sure it would be okay if we explore a bit," her tail wags as she looks to Erik. Looking left and right, her brow furrows again. "Which way?" She asks, her lavender eyes training back on the boy, once again relying on him to lead the way.

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1. until we close our eyes for good Monument Rapids 07:15 AM, 11-30-2023 05:09 AM, 02-05-2024