
Creatures of Night Brought to Light


11-30-2023, 09:06 PM

Her comment, accompanied by a soft chuckle, caused the smile upon Alaois’ face to brighten. But of course he always said that, why wouldn’t he? She was his world, his night, his moon and stars. What need did he have for other creatures so long as his Dreamer was there waiting for him? Her happiness, her smile, and most importantly, her love, gave the man more life than the air that he breathed. Truly and utterly devoted to her passion, he was weak for her. As she held him, he found his heart soaring with delight within his chest. Nowhere in the world could make him happier than by her side… Well, other than her bed, of course. Alaois drew his nose closer to hers, the flesh of their snouts touching as her compliment reached his ears.

“Such praise from the beauty of the heavens~” He rumbled in response. He could feel her body react to his own, shuddering beneath him. Moments like this, wrapped in her tender embrace, were precious ones. As much as he loved being one with her, sharing these moments, drinking in each other’s presence and shutting away the outside world, almost made the time around them stop. There could be an endless night, the world ending, and the man would never notice so long as he had Alora within his arms. For her, he showed restraint, and though other women might tempt others, he would never find it within himself to lay with them as he did his sister.

Her words echoed what the man knew in both his heart and soul. “Now and forever onward, my sweet.” His words followed her own, keeping that same soft, honeyed tone he reserved for her ears alone. As she looked upon the land they were in, he could not let his gaze stray from her face. He took in her expression, reading her icy eyes for signs of approval or displeasure. But her response was far more appealing than Alaois expected. A light chuckle left him as he held her against him. He had thought to respond to her, but her lips instead met his own before he could form them.

Alaois would lose himself in that kiss. Dual tone eyes closed, lips parting to let their tongues dance and glide over one another. He could feel the warmth of her breath mingling with his own, feel the vibration of her moan into his maw. His heart skipped a beat, but his heartbeat was not the only part of the man that was becoming affected by her actions. Back where their hips overlapped his sister would begin to feel the presence of his member starting to slide free. Already slick with pre from arousal, he would press his muzzle more needily against her own, letting a bit of that greediness take control. His foreleg would slide down her side, his own body shuddering as a rumble of pleasure passed his lips to press against her own.

He would break their kiss, eyes opening to a half lidded state filled not just with love, but lust. “My love is yours, and only yours.” She knew this, but still, the man stated that devotion with nothing short of adoration in his soft voice. He was holding back, a man who chose to savor every moment. But now that he had her lips, he wanted more things to taste. And so Alaois would shift himself above her, stepping back a step as his lips and teeth found her neck. He would not break skin, but the nips were backed by desire and a possessiveness that Ala had for her. Never would he hurt her, but no other would ever have her as he did. He didn’t need to leave marks for them to know that. These love bites were more for his own delight, another growl of pleasure as he nipped further up her neck, moving towards her throat in a teasing manner.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. Creatures of Night Brought to Light The Runestones 07:19 PM, 09-29-2023 07:21 AM, 02-17-2024