
Remember Yesterday



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12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-01-2023, 10:43 PM

She was tired. Age had caught up to her at last, and the once vibrant woman was worn down and weathered. Gray and white hairs peppered her face, her gaze was dull, and her frame thinner than it used to be. Her right eye had naturally gone blind due to her age, and the left seemed to follow suit, but so far...she could still see from it. For how much longer, she didn't know, but she had to accept the changes even if she didn't want to. She had traveled all over, but the older she got, the more difficult it got to move around as much. She rested more than she was on the move, her aching joints and the pains that had plaguing her made it very hard for her to constantly be on the move. After Aerie had disbanded in both forms, Paradise traveled with her small daughter for a time but eventually returned to Boreas and lied to her child that she would be fine and had somewhere to go so that her child wouldn't worry about her.

She didn't want to keep her children tied down to a life of caring for her, so she did what she had to before making her way to Auster. Here she stayed for a few seasons...and in that time, much had happened. One of them was another pack that had cropped up at some point, and though she had not made contact, her jaguar companion had scoped them out from afar along with the other packs in Auster. There were a few promising packs...though she was hesitant to approach any of them. Would they accept an old wolf who simply wanted to retire until she died? Everyone she had known was gone. With the exception of her children, of course.

She curled in on herself within the old den she had found, shuddering from the chill outside, and coughing into her fur. She was sick, and although she tried to ride it out, it wasn't getting any better. After a couple of weeks of dealing with it, her jaguar had at last managed to convince her to at least seek out medical attention. Surely the pack had a healer to give her something to help?

She slowly hobbled her way to the border, struggling to catch her breath before she collapsed on their border. Too weak to call, her jaguar opted to summon someone, anyone, to come help.

"Talk" "You" Think
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1. Remember Yesterday Cedar Falls 10:43 PM, 12-01-2023 07:31 AM, 03-05-2024