
Remember Yesterday



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
12-01-2023, 11:52 PM

The poor woman might not have been noticed at all were it not for Beauregard’s companion, Trill. The jay had been flying over the border of the territory, a quick patrol for the Artifex. Beauregard had been curled around his lovers and the puppies, starting to doze off when she had left. Blind, being the troublemaker she was, had gone elsewhere in the territory. Not that the bird could blame Beau for wanting to be with his new family. She had found where Bellatrix was playing and had started flying further out when the hobbling figure of orange and black caught her attention. They moved towards the borders and honestly… The wolf didn’t look good at all. Their way of walking was off. The jay wasn’t an expert on wolves by any means, but this wolf looked hurt. Hearing the call of the woman’s companion, Trill banked back towards the dwelling that had been made for Beau and his family, her calls quickly rousing him.

The man heard urgency in her tone. Though Trill only spoke in birdfolk Beauregard could tell she needed him to follow, and by how she flew it appeared urgent. The man quickened his pace, rushing past the water and trees. They were heading in the direction of the border, and the man furrowed his brow as he followed. Surely no wolf was attempting to sneak into Norad? No, he quickly realized. The urgency Trill displayed was not the fear of a threat. This was different… So what could she have seen that had her come to get him? His blue gaze scanned the horizon… and then he saw the figure on the ground.

Beauregard rushed to the woman’s side as Trill circled overhead. He had barely noticed the companion that had been with her yet, more focused on her exhaustion and weakness. His ears lowered. This wasn’t good… he needed to get her to Noelle, get her food and water. He could pick up the raspy breathing that accompanied a cough too. It took him seconds to assess her situation, and then thanks to Trill he took notice of her companion. Beau shifted his gaze to the jaguar. “I am going to move her into our lands. We have a healer, but I’d like her to not have to come too far. I’d like you to come with us, tell us what you can about her condition and how long she’s been this way.” While she could see at least somewhere, he worried about her blindness. His gaze shifted to the woman, those blue orbs softening.

“Ma’am, we’re going to get you some help. I’m going to carry you, alright? Just hang on.” He lowered himself to the earth, carefully shifting her body so that she would lay across his back. He was careful, not wanting to cause her any pain. She was so light, sickness and age not doing her many favors it seemed. Once she was settled across his back the man glanced at the jaguar again, hoping that they would follow his lead to Noelle’s den.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

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1. Remember Yesterday Cedar Falls 10:43 PM, 12-01-2023 07:31 AM, 03-05-2024