
What's the worst that could happen?




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
12-02-2023, 02:40 PM
Once Mercury let out the howl that would call Artorias to them, she waited with eagerness and a bit of nervousness for the Aegis to arrive. Mercury had alleviated many of her concerns about coming back to The Hallows, but there was still that natural nervousness around taking such a big step and making a change like this. At the very least it was a place that she was familiar with and wolves that she was already acquainted with so it wasn't like she was walking into a completely unknown situation. She would have Mercury to help her settle back in and all of the wolves she had already begun to make friends with here before she left so there was nothing to fear, but she couldn't help the excited, anxious butterflies in her stomach regardless.

Artorias was as prompt as ever, the black and blue male looking at her with recognition. She returned his smile and was relieved to see that he not only recognized her, but seemed to be happy to see her as well. She chuckled a bit when Artorias greeted her with a comment about how he hadn't been expecting to see her back so soon, giving him a slightly guilty grin and a shrug. "What can I say? Mercury makes it hard to stay away," she teased with a glance over at her lover, giving him a grin before refocusing on Artorias once more. She couldn't help but laugh lightly when he brought up the possibility that she once again needed medical aid and she was quick to shake her head. "No no, I'm luckily not in any imminent danger this time."

She glanced toward Mercury again for a bit of reassurance before she looked to the Aegis, knowing she would have to explain herself a bit. "I unfortunately–or maybe fortunately, depending on how you see it–was unable to find a way back to our homeland and as I was traveling I just kept getting drawn back here. I didn't come back empty handed, I suppose, since the trip did shake free a few memories, but... After reconnecting with Mercury I do think that it's better if I just focus on the future instead of worrying so much about the past." She leaned into his side lightly at that, a little grin tugging at her lips. "So, all that being said... I would like to rejoin the Hallows if you'll have me."


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1. What's the worst that could happen? The Starlit Plains 11:54 PM, 11-05-2023 07:33 AM, 03-05-2024