
Signs of Life

Pack Meeting



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-02-2023, 03:00 PM

Avacyn had kept more and more to herself as of late–for good reason, in some ways–but as she sat on the slab of slate near the island's central lake she decided it was time to not only show her face to the whole of the pack again, but also see just who all was remaining after her reclusive hiatus. The harsh winter chill had mostly dissipated by now as spring swept in, but it had still been fairly dreary and today was no exception. The clouds were thick in the sky, casting the damp ground that was still patchy with snow in gray shadow. She gave herself a shake, straitening the necklace that sat around her neck before lifting her head to howl for the pack. Usually she would have Saracyn here with her for her initial call, but this was a far less planned and informal meeting than usual. It felt like one of those moments that she just needed to do it while she felt the inspiration to do so or it would just sit in the back of her mind forever. Once her howl tapered off into an echo that went out throughout Elysium's lands, she sat back with a soft sigh and waited to see who all would filter in from the surrounding trees. She had some hopes and ideas of how to move forward and maybe spark some life back into this pack she had inherited, but she wanted to get a pulse check, so to speak, before she got too ahead of herself.

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Signs of Life Alias Island 03:00 PM, 12-02-2023 11:09 AM, 03-19-2024