
How to kill you? Options Options




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
12-02-2023, 04:05 PM

She wasn’t dead.  It was everything Kichi could have asked for.  He should have attacked her that day instead of having to hunt for her now.  Too many wolves were about and this was a private matter between himself and Lurid.  She had to die, that murderer had to be killed and it should be by his fangs.

How fast would he make her death?  Would he try to get a killing bite as soon as possible?  Would she suffer enough in a fast death?  If he did it right, he could make her death slower and agonizing.  How long had he suffered from what she had done to him?  She had killed his parents and lied to him about how they died.  She had met up with Al and for a while, Kichi had someone to look up to, a guardian who cared for him.  Then they’d left him and in the end, abandoned Kichi.

For all her crimes it had to be a slow death.  Of course, first, he had to find her.  Kichi had found his way out here, searching not in the mines but above them around the pine trees.  With Elyssium, Heidinn, and Armada all in the north end of Boreas there was less free land around if she still planned to stay in the north section.  He had been roaming from Elysium slowly westward searching for signs of Lurid.

Kichi was near the mountain's base, moving through the pine trees aware of the mine below.  He could easily see Lurid holing up in a mine by day and out in the trees at night.  What if she had kids?  Could he steal her kids?  What would he do with them?  Al wouldn’t approve of him killing them, right?  Would it make a difference with them being Lurid’s?  If she even had any.  Decisions decisions.

Torch was with Kichi as normal.  While Kichi was dreaming of murder the little deer traveled along enjoying each day.  Fearless and uncaring of his close friends' desire for blood.  

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. How to kill you? Options Options Northern Mines 04:05 PM, 12-02-2023 12:25 PM, 07-16-2024
2. How to kill you? Options Options IC Archives 12:25 PM, 07-16-2024 07:03 PM, 05-29-2024
3. How to kill you? Options Options Northern Mines 07:03 PM, 05-29-2024 05:15 AM, 05-01-2024