
What Are You Laughing At?!

Dorian & Corbin



Expert Fighter (120)

Advanced Healer (116)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
12-02-2023, 07:35 PM
Dorian slowly padded along the creek that made up a large portion of Ethne's border, both doing a bit of a half-hearted patrol and looking for any plants that were still harvestable to add to his stores before the chill of autumn wilted them too much. He did his best to maintain his father's garden, mostly in his honor than out of a real desire to grow herbs there, but being there was often more difficult than it was worth so he still gathered the majority of the herbs he used from the land instead. It didn't seem to matter how much time passed since his murder, it never really seemed to get easier to think about. Still, it didn't stop him from pursuing the healing skills that he began learning from his father and it didn't keep him from carrying the bag that had once belonged to him almost daily. Maybe it would have been easier to go the route that some of his siblings had gone and just escape from as much of the reminders of their late father as he could, but he couldn't give up on his one passion and he couldn't leave Haydée behind to handle it all on her own.

His drifting thoughts were suddenly cut short when his sister's call for help reached his ears and made his head snap up in response, his paws immediately kicking off into a run toward the sound as a surge of adrenaline hit his system. There was hardly a second of consideration before he took off help–barely registering the fact that his sister was in trouble before he took action. It sounded like she was pretty close by and thankfully she was, the sound of the scuffle that was happening reaching him before he actually spotted Haydée and the three hyenas that were surrounding her. Being the healer he was, he immediately scanned his sister for any wounds that he should be concerned about before he did anything else. Of course she knew how to hold her own though so it looked like the hyenas were mostly being held at bay for now. Just as he took a split second to toss down his bag before he jumped into the fight, the sound of pounding paw steps charging toward them made his emerald gaze dart over, spotting the familiar form of Corbin rushing in to join the fight as well.

He was immediately surprised and relieved to see his brother since it had been some time since he had been around the pack, but that thought had to be put to the back of his mind for now. There were more pressing matters to attend to. With Corbin engaging one of the hyenas and the intruding wolf drawing the attention of a second hyena as well, he rushed in himself to see to the third hyena to give Haydée a chance to right herself and help Corbin. He had a bit of the element of surprise on his side since Corbin came in so hot on his approach so he was able to jump in behind the third hyena and grab the laughing animal by its scruff, biting in deep to get a good grip on his opponent before he dug in his back paws for better leverage and began to yank back ward to pull it off of its front paws and throw off its balance. He was able to pull it back and it toppled over with its limbs flailing and scrambling in response. He held on tight to its scruff and pinned it to the ground by the back of its neck, but a well placed flail of one of its paws hit his cheek and scratched over his eye hard enough to make him pull back with a grunt, staggering back a bit and giving the hyena a chance to get back to its paws as well.


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1. What Are You Laughing At?! Grapevine Cathedral 09:30 PM, 11-27-2023 01:04 PM, 07-16-2024