
cut me into pieces, this is my last resort




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
12-02-2023, 07:59 PM

The girl doesn't respond to her, and Rivin takes a breath to calm herself. The child is in a great deal of pain, hurting and likely afraid of losing her life, but the woman would do everything she could to ensure it didn’t happen. Lark was on the move, and he would move faster than she could with the kid right now. Rivin was hesitant to move her, to risk irritating the wound and making it bleed more when it had only just started to slow. Her mind races, and she knows keeping herself calm will be important. If she focuses too much on losing Calliope, then she will. Rivin won’t let that happen. She couldn’t.

Gilgamesh arrives, and Rivin notices his anger as he meets her gaze. She doesn’t protest as he takes his daughter onto his back. Arguing with a worried father and the Raid King would do no good anyway, not when the life of one of his children hangs in the balance. Rivin rises to her paws, keeping pace with the man despite the pulsing pain of her own injuries. Right… lava… the whole journey she had endured… it makes her wonder if somehow, some way, Calliope had gone through it as well. She had noticed the other injury on her back leg, but the neck was the concerning wound. Her skills as a healer were really being pressed now.

Adrenaline has her pushing through the sore and tired feeling of her body now. She shakes her head at Gil, moving into the water as she speaks. “My weight would slow you down to getting her out of the elements. My companion has already started on the way back, he will meet us there with supplies.” The water is frigid, a shock to the woman’s sister as she sucks in breath. “The wound is clotting.” She tells him before she plunges into the waves, a small bit of reassurance. As a fighter, Gilgamesh would know the importance of having the wound’s bleeding stopped. There isn’t much else she can give him in explanation, not yet anyway. Her focus is on getting the wound wrapped, getting the girl somewhere warm. Safe.

She might not have wanted to move her, but she has to trust that Gil will take care with his daughter in her fragile state.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. cut me into pieces, this is my last resort Dove Island Archipelago 07:38 AM, 11-03-2023 09:38 AM, 01-05-2024