
This should help you relax




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
12-02-2023, 09:20 PM

His comment earned an arched brow, the twitch of her upper lip as he made the comment that she was still a pirate. She saw no need to correct him that they were Raiders now. In the end it made little difference to who she was and who she had become. The little comment, however, was what earned a scoff. It was almost as if he considered her delicate… and perhaps he had, considering she now messed with plants. The comment about Aresenn tying up loose ends with their father earned a shrug. She could not blame Aresenn for being angry. Something had happened that night, the night her father spoke to them. A fight had occurred between them… she had come back injured, and she had noticed the injuries on her father’s body later as well. Had… had they fought? She paused, a frown on her face as she furrowed her brow and stared at the plant. She couldn’t remember… and yet… it felt like her body seemed to recall what her mind did not. It made that feeling under her skin more uncomfortable. Something she should have known… that started the domino effect for her emotions... a time bomb ticking down the seconds...

He came around her side and she flicked her gaze back to him, scanning his features as he spoke of the cannibas. The suggestive statement causing the fur on her back to bristle. Yet... there was something else too. Intrigue. “I’ve heard of the calming effects it has... Perhaps I was wrong...” That sweet whisper, that voice… So confident, so daring, she was clawing at Rivin’s mind, pushing for control. ‘You should play with him.’ The thought, seemingly hers and not, caused Rivin to growl in frustration. Her gaze swept away from him, her focus was broken. She was letting her emotions shift, and like a raging fire, they swiftly began to consume her. Maybe it was because he was here. Maybe it was because she felt hopeless at trying to control whatever was wrong with her. Her father knew what it was. He hadn't told them. She had experienced this black outs and was grasping at the word of passing healers in hope she might be able to keep it from happening again. How the fuck was she supposed to do that if she didn't even know why it happened? Why she couldn't remember? What was she hoping to accomplish with this? Taking a plant without really knowing about it... was she that desperate? Wasn't nearly drowning enough? Why not risk her life in other ways too, right!?

“I should have known there was no fucking point in trying to subdue it…” Angry muttering to herself. Her tail began to lash back and forth like an angry cat, her mind shifting, fighting within itself as the two beings within her body contested to be at the front of the vessel’s consciousness. The desire to tear into something burned at her. It made her skin crawl, made her fangs yearn for blood. Rivin flicked her gaze back to Sephiran, a different look in them now. Her gaze twisted, the cold look of her demon, the frustrated gaze of the femme who wanted control of herself… and there is jealousy too. Jealousy that this man would have earned the favor of her brother, of the wolf she had related to most easily with in her childhood. Yet... She doesn’t want to fight him. Doesn’t want to hurt Aresenn by doing so. But her emotions spiral. Her breathing quickens and her claws bite into the soil. Her gaze again strays from him, lips twisting up as she snarls at herself.

…and then… she would suddenly relax. When she lifted her head her green gaze had shifted in look completely and an amused smirk crossed her features.

“...So much protest… and for what?” Much like her posture, the woman’s tone had shifted as well. Deeper, seductive, confident. She chuckled, leaning closer to the purple beast at her side.“Now, I believe you said that this plant goes well with plenty of things… care to elaborate, love?” There is hunger in that gaze now. Expectation. She does not want to be disappointed.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. This should help you relax Fern Gulley 04:24 PM, 08-09-2023 08:05 AM, 01-30-2024