
Dance Now




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
12-02-2023, 10:33 PM

What had even happened? Another blackout. More questions. A… a body. Rivin was still processing it all. The body of one of her own kind, gored by her antlers, had been left upon the ground by her when she came to. She didn’t understand the cause… why it kept happening. The cat… facing her father… meeting Sephiran again… and now this. It made her feel sick. The lapses in her memory were concerning, and the more she tried to get a grasp on it the more it made her feel like she was going insane. It felt as though she was trudging through sludge at this point, away from the Raiders as she tried to process what was going on. She thought she had the cause figured out. But… Did she? Was it just linked to anger? And… Why did she get so easily angered and ruffled anyway? It wasn’t normal.

She slipped into a cavern, barely bothered by the heat at first. Barely noticing the smell of sulfur. But the more she descended into the pits of the cavern, the more the smell and heat began to intensify, Rivin was pulled out of own mind and became focused on where she was. What even was this place? It was unnatural, like she was walking into a fire… and then, as she rounded a corner of the tunnel, she saw the river of lava. It illuminated the open cavern it flowed through, bathing the world in an orange-yellow glow. Her ears perked forward with interest… until a voice echoing off the stones caught her attention.

Green gaze would snap in that direction. She felt antsy. Guarded. The fur on her neck bristled. She took in a breath, trying to calm herself. No. She needed not to let her emotions get the better of her. She needed to avoid another blackout. One here… if she fell into the lava… no one would know. She would be gone, and this time Jack wouldn’t be here to save her. Rivin shook her head. No, better to walk away. Pretend that she hadn’t even heard the stranger. But… How did she even leave? She glanced back towards the tunnel. She had gone through so many twists and turns. She had been distracted.


She’d start towards the opposite direction of the stranger. Maybe the other woman wouldn’t notice her. She needed to get her head on right. Get herself sorted before she returned to the raiders again. What was she supposed to tell Gilgamesh? That she was killing wolves now? That she couldn’t… be trusted? Rivin stopped, her gaze at her paws. Would she be cast from the Raiders? …and would that be such a bad thing? What if she… What if Jack got hurt because of her? That made her feel sick. She’d already fought her father without memory… couldn’t recall what had become of her reunion with Sephiran…

…was there even a way to prevent her from completely losing herself…?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. Dance Now Hell's River 08:38 PM, 11-14-2023 01:20 PM, 06-20-2024