
Fragile Innocence


09-18-2013, 03:25 AM
The mountains were gorgeous, and she had seen many unique plants and herbs growing here. If it were just a touch warmer she would find a way to do a bit of experimenting, but as the snow continued to fall she found it too cold to travel anymore without taking a break. With a rabbit in her jowls that she had been saving from an earlier hunt, the fae moved toward the far off entrance of a cave on the side of the mountain. She had almost missed the nicely hidden little spot, but thankfully her search for a place to rest her frozen feet had been thourough enough to spot it in the distance.

Trudging toward the entrance, she left a path of footprints in the freshly fallen snow behind her, the only evidence that her stark white presence had been there at all. The woman blended perfectly with the snow, her petite form nearly swallowed by the white that surrounded her. It was against the dark cavern walls that she would stand out, the pale pink that made up the only hint of color on her giving her a strange, almost ethereal glow among the various dark greys and browns that covered the walls and floors.

She had thought that she would be here alone - there wasn't much evidence of other wolves being around the area. Yet she paused after entering the caves, standing before a young lupine, a girl, that seemed to have managed to spot her first. Io stared at her, a small smile pulling at the woman's lips. "Hello there." The teen was alone, and that struck her as somewhat odd, but she couldn't tell whether she had a family or not at first glance. "Hungry?" She would ask her, placing the rabbit down at the entrance of the cave. A peace offering - perhaps they could share this resting place until the snow outside ceased falling so quickly.

She wouldn't approach the girl any further until she gave some sort of sign or signal that she didn't mind the company.