
Nao its your turn




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
12-03-2023, 10:02 PM

The Sumatar didn't waver, maintaining his neutral expression and squared shoulders. Unsurprising, considering his family and its authority. No matter, so long as he didn't begin to develop that air of superiority that so frequently plagued those in lofty positions of the hierarchy. That may well be the nail in the coffin for Nao's ability to tolerate pack life, even with a family to provide for now. So he maintained his own stony mask, held himself in check. Paid careful attention to the man's words. There was, indeed, a test of skill to follow this meeting. The prospect of hunting with someone else was not entirely unfamiliar, but he was uncertain that he would find himself conducting the sort of hunt that a man like Kotori would be used to. After all, large game was not his speciality in the way that it was for most of the wolves that lived here.

Dark cranium dipped in a simple nod of understanding, and he paid careful attention to what followed. Mint eyes narrowed slightly at the breach of manners that came with the Sumatar's use of his given name, something typically reserved for close friends and family. He forced himself to mind his judgement- given names were used around here, he was well aware of that. Not many would know to follow his own customs. So he let it be. There were worse things to worry about. The larger man assured him that he needed only to maintain a respect for the other members and the pack's rules in order to be welcome among its ranks, which seemed simple enough to him.

"I understand." he uttered the words curtly, with a small dip of his head. The shade waited a beat, to ensure there was nothing else that needed to be said. In that event, he cast his attention to the skies for a moment. There was plenty of time in the day, and he didn't see much in the way of heavy clouds that would indicate a storm. Best to head out immediately, so that he could get home to his family before Mojito started to worry. "If you would follow me, we should head to the sea for this hunt." the man lifted a dark paw to gesture for Kotori to follow, before he set off at an even trot towards the familiar boundaries of the coast.

-exit Nao unless stopped-


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1. Nao its your turn Monument Rapids 01:46 AM, 11-21-2023 12:43 AM, 07-03-2024