
Spring cleaning




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Cherry OOC
12-04-2023, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 12-15-2023, 11:39 PM by Harumi. Edited 1 time in total.)
our home is outer space
black skies and endless seas

Harumi had, despite themself, started to be genuinely interested in the ways of healing.

It had started off as a way to try to get closer to their Papa while he was working, and make sure they had at least some of his attention, but that had quickly- faster than they could even think about it- been taken by a genuine curiosity to know what he was doing. Now , at least, their questions were more driven by a need to actually know what was in the store.

So when their Papa poked his head out and called to them, their first thought was...that they had done something and were in trouble. Had their dad found out about the recent thing, after all...?

His follow up makes them realize, with nothing short of relief, that they're not actually in trouble yet. Relaxing, and ever the face of innocence, their tail wags in pure excitement as they push themselves to their paws, hurrying to their Papa as fast as they could. Umeshu beats them to it, and, standing in the entrance of the den, Harumi has to force down the overwhelming desire to put their head down and ram into their brother with their little stubby horns. It would serve him right, for trying to steal their opportunity.

Instead, they bat their eyes up at Papa and- "But Papa said for me to join him." It takes everything in them to keep their feelings of this isn't fair in place and not stomp their paws and throw a tantrum.

It also takes a lot to resist sticking their tongue out at Umeshu.

WC: 271 (952/1500)

this is not enough,
this is not enough
[Image: 74564142_6KHlZWh0qzDtahA.png?1702093961]

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1. Spring cleaning Sunset Falls 12:37 AM, 12-04-2023 12:41 AM, 07-03-2024