
A grand future ahead

Pack meeting!



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
12-04-2023, 08:46 PM

Wolves came and went, joining and leaving the pack while the alpha-ship changed paws twice; and still Athena remained within the Valta ranks. While Kotori had left to tour the lands, the earthen-hued woman had toiled away happily in the pack lands, running patrols and just generally making sure that the pack ran smoothly. Now, with the addition of pups, the pack has had to make extra sure that they stayed safe and the woman was determined to make it so.

That is why is out tracing the familiar pathways around Valta pack lands when Kotori’s summons reaches her ears. Aslatiel had been a wonderful alpha and there had been no bumps along the road as the pack shifted leadership both times but Athena cannot deny the happiness she feels at hearing the founder of the pack call for them. With a bounce in her step, the earthen woman quickly moves across the land to where the meeting is and joins the throng of gathered wolves.

Pups pull her attention here and there, their adorableness too much to pass up and she murmurs hellos to them as she passes by before taking a seat near the middle of the crowd. Amber eyes find Asla in the crowd and she offers the woman a warm smile before lifting her gaze to where Kotori sits tall and she spies a beautiful, monochrome woman laying near him. Brows lift in curiosity as she wonders if that is the Ochitsuki Aslatiel has mentioned at the pervious pack meeting. It is no wonder that Kotori has fallen for her, the woman is… breathtaking.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.

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1. A grand future ahead Monument Rapids 11:04 PM, 11-27-2023 12:43 AM, 07-03-2024