
STARDUST (birth)



09-18-2013, 06:45 AM

He would watch with a rising pride as his duchess would come to rest within the safety he had provided her; his rosy gaze fixated obsessively upon her hips, watching with anticipation as her muscles would be seen jolting beneath her silver cloak. Her pain would fall blind to him, knowing she would be fine, far more concerned for the delivery of his first Glaciem spawn. Her yelps, which should have chilled his core, would send his skin crawling with delight; for every screech would suggest a moment less wait. A second sooner he would see the magnificent offspring she had rewarded him. He cared not for how many, just that he had at least one, a single writhing and powerful little bundle to raise to great expectations.

Slowly he would inch closer to his pride, drawing his body a stride towards his queen, eyes searching so eagerly, nostrils quivering. He wanted to see them. He felt almost as if he could persuade Argent to contract faster, though he would decide against rushing her, content that she had well earned her right to self-judgement. However Eris would find it necessary to persuade the king athwart, coral ears snppaing backwards as a low rumble would echo his throat. The children were as much his as Argents, surely he had every right to see their first gasps, their first squirms? Yet the stern look to her golden gaze would be enough to push the King away, even in his sour manner as his hackles would raise; a displeased expression tainting coral features as he slink.

But she wouldn?t get rid of him that easily. Even if the comfort of his duchess depended on it. No, he would bounce up the inclination, lowering his skull as he would calculate his position; tracing back over where the trio had arrived. Ah! With his body lowered to the earth, he could hear Argent breathing beneath him, her lungs echoing through the shallow grime that concealed her. He would hear them when he arrived, that he was sure of. Extended tail would tap impatiently at crisp vegetation, low rumbles tumbling his throat as he so craved the initiation of his sons, or his daughters.