
Stockholm Hearts

Ignis pups!



Beginner Fighter (10)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf
12-05-2023, 12:21 AM

This day was like any other day for the young Ignis kids as the confines of their den seem to be growing smaller by the moment. They were growing and all of them were rather large and, add to the mix, the fact that Wade loves to talk. Why have silence when you can ask endless questions just so you can hear your own voice? At first it had been purely out of curiosity that he had spouted out random quires, from ‘what is that’ to ‘but why’ and, as it grew increasing obvious that it irritated their father, the young Praetor had only done it to increase his ire because… well, of course he just has to keep poking.

No matter how many times he learned and relearned the reasons or was told to shut up or buzz off (Even if it was not put quite like. It was worse. Way worse.), the boy couldn’t help but keep poking at the proverbial bear. Yes, okay, it was bad but, in his defense, Wade is young, stupid, and it is because Loki and Sly keep egging him on. Seriously, those two, never seem to shut up. Today there was some rare, golden silence because, well, the boy was passed the fuck out. Soft snores fall from his lips as his siblings and father move around, the pup completely dead to world around him.

Suddenly, someone steps on one of his paws and Wade’s eyes fly open as he instantly snaps out at the offender. Blurry eyes attempt to blink away the sleep while he mumbles, “What the hell man? Watch your paws.” A yawn splits his maw just as his father called to them from outside the den. Immediately the boy is awake as Sly says, 'Come on! Hurry! You have to be the first one outside!'] Why that was, of course he doesn’t know, but that doesn’t stop him from leaping up and bolting for door as he practically bowls Sulfur over in an attempt to get outside. 'Well, he shouldn’t have been in the way!' Loki shouts and Wade barks, “Yeah! Watch it Sulfur!”

Skidding to a stop near their father, he casts his wide white eyes around the area, overwhelmed with just… everything! Ignis talks about outside, conquering, blah, blah, oh a rock! Wade is off, racing away from their tall sire to snatch up the large stone in his mouth. Gnawing on it, he continues to look around as Sly chastises, 'You’re not supposed to eat it.' Yeah, he knows! But it tastes better than the rocks inside the den. Maybe it is because it comes from the outside. Nose works as he trots around sniffing at this while he continues to gnaw on his stone, giving Ignis a blessed moment without questions before the deluge that was sure to come.

"Wade Praetor" | 'Loki' | 'Sly'

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