
mine all mine


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (225)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
12-05-2023, 12:33 AM

her boys fall into line quite well, once she reminds them she means business. it’s a little irksome that she has to keep reminding them of that fact, even after all this time - but no matter, they’re learning. soon, though, they’ll learn that the consequences will become more dire should they continue resisting her. she does not welcome reluctance or hesitation in her toys, and they should come to know this sooner rather than later. despite this little hiccup, however, they quickly prove themselves useful. Yarra allows them to lead her to their chosen shelter, humming a low note of approval. it satisfies her to know that she doesn’t have to chain them to be obeyed, that they won’t stray from her side even if, physically, there’s nothing to stop them from doing so. this is a kind of power that is so delicious it makes her mouth water, sends an electric thrill down her spine. once the fire has been fixed, Yarra settles delicately before it and closes her eyes, grinning to herself as the warmth washes over her and chases off the worst of the cold. peeling open her lids, she flicks a glance at the twins, amusement dripping from her voice. “such a shame you boys can’t enjoy it with me,” she sighs, pouting with faux sympathy. “but alas, the prey won’t catch itself.”

at their question she clicks her tongue, taking a moment to think. really, she knows what she craves - to rend the flesh from their hides and taste the blood beneath, to let it bathe her tongue as she carves her mark into them. mine, forever mine. she’s nothing if not possessive, after all. “surprise me,” she says finally, lifting an expectant brow.
“and don’t take too long about it.”
oh, what a fun game. she imagines them anxiously seeking out prey, unsure what will earn them a punishment, unsure if there’s even a right answer to this request. wrought with panic, she’s curious to see just what her pets will do in the face of such vague instruction.


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1. mine all mine The Polar Sound 11:06 PM, 11-16-2023 04:44 PM, 07-18-2024