
How to kill you? Options Options




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

12-05-2023, 06:46 PM
T he monochrome wolf couldn't have been more wrong. The target of his rage was not lurking within the dark mines he approached. But unfortunately for him, someone else did. After skulking around northern Boreas for days looking for Atropos, Requiem had rationalized that the tricky little bitch must have been hiding underground to elude him for so long undetected. The mines had turned up to be another dead end, so out the crimson brute came plodding from the dark tunnels, silver eyes narrowed to frustrated points. He did not tolerate failure, and so far Atropos was proving to be quite the challenge for him to find. Oh, but he would find her eventually... he always did.

C oming out of the mines and into the daylight, Requiem squinted against the overcast sun and paused to allow his eyesight to readjust to being outdoors. Once he could see again, he began to make his way around the mountain paths and through the sparse pine trees that dotted the mountainside. He knew there were many other caves and tunnels he had to check still and he was burning daylight. To say his mood was less than pleasant would have been putting it lightly. Maneuvering through the trees, the tracker caught a whiff of a fresh scent nearby. Not Atropos', but anyone might have been able to give him some intel to put him on the right path. Requiem altered his path, now tracking down the owner of the scent through the woods with the intentions of a brief interrogation. What he found at the end of his hunt was a male wolf, smaller than he was, covered head to toe in gray fur with what looked to be a small deer with him. He was alone, and judging by his scent, he belonged to the Elysium pack.

G iving a whistle to catch the other wolf's attention, Requiem began to approach the stranger, his demeanor cool and at ease. "Afternoon, friend. Have you seen a woman around these parts about yea high, dark gray fur all over, silver eyes like mine? Goes by the name Atropos, though she might be using an alias." The dire wolf raised his paw just a bit over a foot off the ground to show just how small the lady he was looking for was. If the stranger had seen Atropos, no doubt he would have remembered her. What Requiem didn't count on was the stranger being able to recognize the scent of his mate clinging to his own coat quite heavily.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.

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1. How to kill you? Options Options Northern Mines 04:05 PM, 12-02-2023 12:25 PM, 07-16-2024
2. How to kill you? Options Options IC Archives 12:25 PM, 07-16-2024 07:03 PM, 05-29-2024
3. How to kill you? Options Options Northern Mines 07:03 PM, 05-29-2024 05:15 AM, 05-01-2024