
as we collide


09-18-2013, 08:30 AM

Chrysanthe seemed keen on keeping the rather awkward grip she had, but Sendoa had expected that. So frequently wolf fights were about tug of war, it was rare that a bite should land and pull away in an instant. Sendoa continued to grumble as the sensitive area was clamped down upon even tighter. The flesh just in front of her ribcage was thin and didn't have much fur for protection, making it an incredibly easy target. However, Chrysanthe's scruff was anything but easy. Sendoa's grumbles turned to vibrations as her throat was choked of all sound by the Valhallan's thick fur and skin. She had known it would not be a deadly strike, but it would be one that could eventually cause the Alpha to submit, if she just tried hard enough! As jowls delved in Sendoa would attempt to ravage the frame of the Alpha, shaking her head roughly as if she were attempting to tear a limb from a recent kill. If anything it would certainly worsen the damage, though Sendoa hoped for a drastic change of pace - like Chrysanthe giving up her insane claim. As she did this, she felt Chrysanthe's jaws recoiling back and away from their target, whilst still holding fast to the flesh she'd managed to get a hold on. Instinctively Sendoa's frame would move with her as best as she could, though she could feel the skin being ripped away ever so slowly and excruciatingly. She would lean just a bit further, hoping to bump into the woman and force her to release her grip. As the pain ripped through her she knew that she couldn't give up now, defenses were as key as offensive moves were. Ears remained tucked protectively to her skull, whilst her eyes were narrowed to minuscule slits. All four paws wrestled with the earth, intent upon keeping her balance even as she leaned slightly into Chrysanthe to hopefully lessen the pain and injury to her side. Tail swept away from Chrysanthe for added balance, while her hackles raised and her shoulders remained rolled forward. Even as she held onto the Alpha's scruff she managed to keep her chin slightly tucked toward her bosom, even though it was only a slight inclination it still felt as if it might protect her throat - which was most important. Her claws gripped the earth as if her life depended upon it, if there was anything she knew - it was that she would not be bowled over by Chrysanthe Adravendi.

Sendoa v Chrysanthe for Freedom

Round III of III

Attacks ~ Shaking her head violently in attempt to do more damage or possibly even cause Chrysanthe to submit, leaning into Chrysanthe to try to get her to release her grip.

Defenses ~ Ears tucked, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, chin tucked slightly, claws gripping the earth, tail flagged for balance, weight distributed on four paws.

Injuries ~ RI: four half-inch puncture wounds to the front of her left shoulder, R2: medium depth lacerations/puncture wounds on her side behind her shoulder and above her elbow, mild bruising on her shoulder where it met Chrysanthe's. R3: Puncture wounds on her side worsened to lacerations/tears in the flesh.

OOC ~ Yay for a fight being done! Great job as always, Seren. <3 As for the judge.. you can determine if you think that Sen should be awarded the Avenger points (+7) or not. I realize that this fight was primarily to protect herself, but there could be some arguments for avenger status in there somewhere so I'll leave it up to you :3.
