
is it trespassing if the trespasser in question is a total cutiepie?




Intermediate Hunter (30)

1 Year
12-07-2023, 02:35 AM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2023, 02:35 AM by Elara. Edited 1 time in total.)

the boy seems to falter in the face of her charm offensive, and El takes it as a victory, presuming him to be so overwhelmed by her beauty that he simply cannot remain cross with her. in her young mind, which has only ever encountered family members willing to entertain her antics, it makes the most sense. she has successfully won this boy over, and now he won’t chase her off. hazzah! “sure,” she agrees easily, shrugging at his question. her father has never warned her against Insomnia, or anything. “i’m plenty friendly.” an angelic smile sweeps across her face, the very incarnation of ‘butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth.’

of course, it’s then that an adult finds them - adults are always fussing, craning their necks to make sure she’s behaving herself and not harassing her siblings too much and not forcing impromptu makeovers on them. yawn. at least this adult is brand new and kind of interesting. besides, El isn’t an idiot: sassing a fully grown wolf while trespassing on their territory really isn’t a good idea. “i’m Elara Klein,” she replies promptly, inclining her head first to the man, then to the boy. “i’m from Ashen.” her voice is perfectly polite, if a tad formal - lacking the saccharine quality it’d held when she’d been trying to charm the boy. best to be…respectful, or something. her curiosity quickly gets the better of her, however, and she all but demands of the boy, “and what’s your name?” a heartbeat passes, and then she tacks on, apropos of nothing, “are you a prince? i’ve always wanted to meet a prince.” of course, nothing this boy has said so far indicates royalty, but…well, she’s bound to meet one someday. why not today be that day? besides, he cuts kind of an impressive figure, all red fur and golden eyes and tall ears. and aren’t prince’s meant to be handsome?


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1. is it trespassing if the trespasser in question is a total cutiepie? Dancefloor of the Gods 10:25 PM, 12-05-2023 05:55 PM, 01-29-2024