
Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't

Lurid(Amarix's welcome)


12-07-2023, 07:24 PM
Art by Asena

I have a secret

He waited, impatiently for his answer. Was she just a imposter he could tear limb from limb in pleasure, or was she his Goddess and the head of their family now? He studied her through blurred vision waiting for her to speak again. When she finally broke the silence between them he flicked an ear at her. His face relaxed into its natural state, hard to read, a mask of indifference and deadpan. There was none Mortem feared, not even her wrath.

No if she were to rip into him he would take nothing but pleasure from it. No fight would be put up against her either. It was a trust he gave her, and a loyalty she got from him. She was well aware of his intent from day one. To protect and keep his goddess on the top of the pyramid of power. And he would follow her to the ends of the earth, by casting himself into the role of a reaper, his soul would be forever bound to hers this way.

He didn't answer her first question, it came across as more of a statement anyway. More of a way of telling him off without actually telling him off. She knew the answer would make it to the surface on why he acted as such one day, or at least he hoped. His eyes followed her, as his body relaxed into the ground. His chest first then his ass. A lazed way about him as he waited for her to decide the next move. He hadn't seen another Amarix in what felt like eons. Though he had seemed to make a mob form looking for his head in other lands away from this. But such was expected from him he was certain.

She eyed the remains of Vermin, questioning if it was a sacrifice for her. He wasn't going to lie to her, it was not how they would start out on this new land. "It would be a lie to say it was, my lady. Was a mere punishment, for leading me on, lying to me and then trying to get me to be chained down in one place."  he had no intents on lying, and this scum had been the one to send him in the direction of the witch that had vexed him.

He could smell another on her coat as she came closer, and the beginnings of a growl came forth. Requiem. He knew the man from their homelands, but the man's scent lingered upon her as more than a follower or a companion. How dare he. The goddess was above mortal men. "Deam Requiem angit? Cogere se ubi non debet? Num novum caput habeo collectionis meae et pellis pro lecto tuo?" His shoulders tensed, like a cat ready to pounce. His face was twisting into a new anger, and not at Lurid, no but at the mortal who dared touch her.

Vita was placed out of his mind for the moment, and he was none the wiser that she had even smelled her on him. Nor that she sought an answer for the scent upon him that he had become numb to.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Can you keep it?
Art by Asena

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1. Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't Soulless Forest 11:06 AM, 11-23-2023 05:24 AM, 05-01-2024