
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-06-2013, 06:55 PM

The carcass was that of a doe. It was not the largest, by far, but not the smallest she'd seen either. Ricochet's maw began to salivate as she gazed over it with bi-colored eyes. The amethyst one caught the wolf coming nearer as she spoke. She inhaled deeply, testing the air to be sure that the kill had not been tampered with. The she-wolf berated Ricochet's idea of eating the kill of another, and the harlot responded with a snap of her jaws and a curl of her lip. Her tail lashed in unison with these movements as she took a stiff step toward the woman. Good, then I wont have to bother with challenging you for it. I'm no fool, I don't have energy to spare on hunting something down in this godforsaken forest. Ricochet's head dipped down, the amethyst eye still on the stranger as she licked the kill hungrily. Droplets of blood coated her tongue, a few of them rolling onto her chin as she reeled in her tongue. The stranger asked her name. Ricochet Arietta Jaeger, she hissed out her full name, not bothering to care that this stranger probably knew nothing of her family. If she did, she would know what power the name Jaeger carried, but that would be a miracle.

Chiseled head dipped down once more, this time taking an actual bite from the kill. It was delicious, and though it wasn't as hot and fresh as she might've liked, it would do to satiate her hunger. She drew her head away again, lip curling once more. Are you just going to stand there? If the stranger really looked down upon eating another's kill, then surely she would not stand here the entire time that Ricochet would take to eat it. Ricochet thought to chase her off, but ignored the urge. She needed to save her energy for finding a suitable place to settle down.


ooc; meh, mine's not great either.