
when i feel i am slipping further away...



Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
12-08-2023, 04:58 PM

As someone who was often annoyingly analytical, Tethys didn't really mind that interaction with Dee was a little more methodical and careful. She didn't have to worry about saying the wrong thing, not when she had time to both analyze the other girl's response and carefully craft exactly what she'd say back. She seemed pleased at her question, which seemed peculiar given her previous answer. The galaxy-coated girl pursed her lips, considering it. Maybe the thought of having something to do, to distract herself with, was a positive thing? That made sense to her.

She shook her head at being interested in fighting, but hunting seemed to earn another nod and smile. Okay, she could work with that. Tethys nodded understanding. Maybe she couldn't ever really lead a hunt, or hold a higher rank if she struggled to communicate.. but surely she could contribute. Tethys wasn't entirely sure why she was convincing herself Dee could earn her keep here, or why it even mattered, but she found herself trying to reason over it. She could contribute, she could be successful here, she was sure of it.

The pack always needed more hunters, and surely Sirius would agree. Maybe he could help communicate that to her. "Are you hungry now?" She paused to wait for some response. "Maybe we could find a snack on the beach?" She didn't tend toward seafood, but maybe they could find some creatures scuttling about in the cove, or otherwise see what sort of fish were close to shore. Tethys paused to look out across the water, thinking.

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1. when i feel i am slipping further away... Soul Sand Cove 06:17 PM, 10-18-2023 03:57 AM, 02-17-2024