
The World Will Cry As We Pass By

Ely <3


The Syndicate
Effendi- Muqatil

Expert Intellectual (155)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

2 Years

12-08-2023, 07:46 PM
Elysia was so happy to have her brother here. To finally not feel alone. She knew she wasn’t alone before he’d arrived. She had found family. But it wasn’t the same as her own direct family. So to have her Ze here. Especially being that it was Ze and she was already super close to him. It made her happy to have that comfort with her. A piece of home other than her bed.

When he spun her around she could help but laugh. She always felt the most free with him. It was the only time she ever acted happy. When he hit the snow and she was pinned to his chest she took a moment to look him over. He seemed healthy and in good shape. That made her grin. “You couldn’t have missed me too much, look at you, in pristine condition” she teased him as he peppered her face in kisses. To onlookers they probably appeared to be a young couple reuniting. Not that she cared about it.

When he finally released her from his hold, she stayed on his chest. Soaking in his familiar warmth. She leaned her face into his paw as it cupped her cheek. She closed her eyes in contentment. She was no fool. She knew what Ze was going to do, so she let him guide her face to his, she let him initiate the kiss. She happily returned. She knew her brother wanted her, he had for some time. And she played into it to keep him where she wanted him, by her side.
It wasn’t that she didn’t love him, she did. But she just wasn’t ready to be claimed.

She Shhed him as he spoke of what had brought her to these lands. “Oh Ze. It’s not your fault. I’m fine! It’s really okay.” She nuzzled him to soothe him. What had happened to her was in no way his fault. And it was perfectly okay with her at this point. It brought her here to more of their family. To a new life. It was practically a Gift.

” I met a few people. Hung out on a island for a bit until I headed north. Where I ran into the group I’m with now…” she paused and sat up a bit.

”I joined our Cousin Sephrian. He is gathering more of our Family to build an Empire here. He reminds me of Mama’s Stories of Neios” she beamed. She couldn’t help but to spill everything to her brother after that.