


03-10-2013, 12:26 PM

He had been wandering for quite some time, unwilling to settle in any particular place. A few of the packs had been examined heavily as possible candidates, but Marvel had found them all to be a little uptight and a bit too in-his-business for his taste. And so, the vanilla man pressed on, answering another howl that had been placed. So far he'd avoided unnecessary encounters with other wolves, but perhaps it was time to come out of the shadows and actually participate in this meeting. From the call he could tell it was a founding, a new alpha staking his - or in this case, her - claim on a land. Perhaps this would be the pack that wasn't so up-his-butt. Perhaps this would be his home. A casual answering howl dripped from his lips, merely letting the sounder know that he was on his way - even if he wasn't being particularly hasty in his approach. This pack wasn't exactly near where he was, and the howl had been faint at best, but he would go and see what all the fuss was about.

He arrived just as not one, but two wolves joined the fray and spoke of wanting to be a beta or a high ranked officer. Marvel snorted indignantly, brow raising in amusement. How foolish. Clearing his throat to further announce his presence, Marvel joined the gathering with a wave of his tail and an elegant stride. A congratulations is in order, it seems. Sterling eyes set on the she-wolf who had started it all, the one who had sounded the call. A declination of his head was given as he addressed she and she alone. Marvel, at your service ma'am. Eyes roved over her frame and concern fluttered in his eyes. The damsel had put up quite the fight in order to stake her claim on this place, and would need medical attention before this was said and done. I'm a fair healer if I do say so myself, and even if I'm denied a home here, I would be honored to tend to the wounds this claim has brought you. It was true, even if he didn't find his future here, Marvel would offer his services and perhaps even charm a lady at the same time.
