
Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't

Lurid(Amarix's welcome)


12-11-2023, 12:18 AM

It's not sin, or a murder for carnal disgrace

He could pick out every minute detail of her face as it shifted, he wasn't daft nor blind. He knew Lurid just as well as she knew he. He was the brute of the family, the closest one could be to a true reaper. If you needed someone dead, there was no one more violent and happy to do it than Mortem. He found a pleasure in harming others. While Lurid, she was the families keeper, their matriarch. She was a goddess among mortals. Though she had a temper, the same as him, she had more patience than he.

He was edging on her patience already. Her minute change told him so. Thiugh he was more than willing to answer any questions for him she had, she only need ask. He had always worshipped the ground she walked upon. He was putty to her paws.

His ears prcked to the answer she provided him. He was to respect Requiem. Unlikely. But he would tolerate the man when he needed to work with him. He would likely avoid him otherwise. Requiem had already made a mistake in his eyes. Touching his goddess and binding her to himself. His nod was stiff, enough to let her know he had heard her and would obey but he couldn't keep the emotion from his face. Jealousy? Ire? Maybe a bit of both. He had once sought to keep others away from Lurid, to let her be worshipped by all but touched by none. Even now he wouldn't touch her.

Time away from Lurid had never dampened any part of his devotion to her. She wasn't done though after her command. She wanted an answer to a scent upon him. And confusion brought his brows together, knitting them. His own nose diving into his pelt at his chest. His perfume was in tact. Death, decay, cedar wood, but another. This one pure. Ah. Realization on his face brought his eyes and face back to meet Lurid's gaze. "That would be Vita, my daughter. Another reason this wretch was punished.... her mother was a witch, her spell making me believe she was you, seducing me..... I was forced to wait to find you even longer while I waited for the child to be weaned. I believe the child to be much like you, a goddess among mortals." His voice held no particular love when discussing his daughter. She was his, but he did not have any love for children. There was no softness he would show to any who weren't Lurid.

She once had his oath, his devotion. She was the world for Mortem. None would be allowed to take her place.

He watched her as she was moving on. Her next question almost had him snorting laughter. What kind of question was that? Like he wasn't ready to follow her to the ends of the earth. "You ask, though you already know the answer..... do you take me for a deserter? I would walk my whole life chasing you if I must, I would raze entire continents with one word for you. I shall make certain none question your divinity, there will be preists that sing your praises should I have my way." he raised onto his legs as he spoke. Ready to follow her anywhere.

First though he would need to collect Vita. There was no allowance for the child to grow away from his sister and learn from her. "Shall I go collect the child while you enjoy yourself and feast on this fool's remains?" he had of course stashed Vita nearby. He wasn't stupid. She would be easy food for just about anything that wanted her at her age. But it would be Lurid's decision now if she was allowed to live.

Walk, "Talk", Think

That would be unlawful, and sloth filled
Art by Asena; lines by BioZev

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1. Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't Soulless Forest 11:06 AM, 11-23-2023 05:24 AM, 05-01-2024