
make sure you drown




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large
12-11-2023, 11:56 AM
Battle not with monsters;
Lest ye become a monster!

Honestly, it was a wonder she survived the trip with as much trouble as she aimed to be. The pretty man shoved and dragged her even through the salt water of the ocean! She protested each and every step but he had already proven to be stronger than she was, manhandling her until she was where he wanted her to be. When he finally deposited her on the shores of an island, Creature looked around as he said this was home now. She certainly didn't feel like she was home, there was no Preacher here. 'Let's go," the male said as he shouldered her to move. Creature growled at him in protest, but she moved in the way he directed, not truly wishing for another fight. As they reached the bungalows, Creature began to grow curious, even when he headbutted the door open to show a darkened room.

The male scruffed her, pulling her into the building and shutting the door behind them. Seeing the second door, Creature began to panic internally, externally she began to pant. He all but pushed her down the stairs, and when she reached the bottom - miraculously avoiding injury- she gave a sound that seemed caught between a growl and a whimper. The room she was in now stank of mildew and mold, some crusty sheets and debris piled up in a corner caught her red eyes and she turned to look at the male in disbelief. He told her she would be staying in here and real panic began to fill her. Suppressing the urge to fight him again, Creature simply settled for staring at him as she had before, this time her brow furrowed instead of her face being blank. Saying nothing despite wanting to protest, the creature waited a few moments before deciding on a question. "What is its name?" Despite her disgruntled expression the words were spoken in an innocent tone. Once she had his name it would be easier to remember him, though she would recognize him anywhere now.

Word count: 339 words. || "Talk." || 'Think.' || 'Hear.'
Note: ---
Thread with caution: This wolf is capable of horrendous acts of violence and frequently enjoys eating other wolves; even family is not safe. She is highly unstable and will not hold herself back from snapping. Very mature rated, very brutal, be afraid. Be very afraid. As her brother, Preacher may crash any thread regardless of label or tag.

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1. make sure you drown Daager Isle 08:51 AM, 12-11-2023 09:42 AM, 01-05-2024