
Meet the Raging Sea



12-11-2023, 03:08 PM

You jump to the first peak and your adept paws grip the surface. After the second or third jump, your paws feel numb. A few more jumps and you slip, but are able to regain your balance, aided by your expert dexterity. On one of the peaks, a small bag hangs. You take it and decide to open it later. Miraculously, you are able to make it across, your guide behind you every jump of the way.

Before you reach the exit, the ice around you cracks and water sputters up until you are left stranded with your guide on a large, floating stage of ice. From the frozen depths, a massive, blue tinted worm bursts forth and shrieks. You understand its name immediately: Jonathan. You know now that you can not leave until you defeat this menace. Your guide looks to you, ready to go on your command.

What do you do?

Strength: Fight the worm head on.
Use whatever strength you have left to charge forward and fight the worm.

Charisma: Convince the worm to let you pass.
Maybe you can reason with the worm instead of using violence to get your way.

Dexterity: Sneak around and attack the worm from behind.
You think maybe you can use the shards of ice as cover to sneak around and attack from behind.

Wisdom: Find the worm's weak point.
If you hang back and study the worm for awhile, maybe you can figure out how to best defeat it.

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1. Meet the Raging Sea The Runestones 07:27 PM, 10-17-2023 05:35 AM, 05-01-2024