
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained



12-11-2023, 03:40 PM

You ask the guide for help. For a long while he stares at you with furrowed brows, and you worry he might not help you at all, but finally he seems to cave. Gesturing forward, he helps guide you to the edge of the room. Once there, you look across and see a path that was invisible to the eye before - a path of smooth stones that lead straight across. He leads the way, and you follow.

A giant, glowing worm erupts from the molten chasm below, lava sputtering onto the ground before you. It screeches, towering over the stage and you immediately recognize its name as William. The guide growls, his stance rigid and wide. This is an enemy that must be dealt with if you wish to escape with your life.

What do you do?

Strength: Find a way to attack the worm.
With the way the worm's head begins to lower toward you, surely you can find time to strike...

Charisma: Convince the guide to deal with the worm.
Surely he has a better idea how to deal with this than you do, right?

Dexterity: Try to dodge the worm and stay out of its range.
Surely there's got to be a way to escape this worm, if you're just quick enough!

Wisdom: Study the worm to figure out how to deal with it.
You've never seen anything quite like this, so maybe acting too rashly isn't the best idea. You decide to study it inside and see what information you can gather.

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1. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained Buffalo Knolls 12:22 AM, 10-24-2023 05:23 AM, 05-01-2024