
Bury me in black sands



12-11-2023, 03:48 PM

You can tell it's a tree because of the way it is. How neat is that? That's pretty neat.

After a few moments too long of staring at the tree, your guide walks ahead of you and pushes in some bark to reveal a door. With a chuckle and an eye roll, they lead you into the tree.

Inside, the tree somehow seems even bigger, the inside carved out to reveal multiple floors. Some are connected with large turkey mushrooms, others with vines, and some not at all. Many inhabitants seem to skitter in the shadows, but never clearly in your vision. Your guide motions to the top of the tree almost desperately. Something is there, something they want and need you to help them with.

What do you do?

Strength: Climb up the mushrooms.
The turkey mushrooms have a wide surface and a solid base, they should be easy enough to climb.

Charisma: Call out to the other inhabitants.
The others in the tree seem to know the way around. Maybe they'll share their secrets.

Dexterity: Weave your way up the vines.
With a little flexibility, you think you could maneuver your way up the vines that climb the side of the tree.

Wisdom: Look around for an easier way up.
Trees and mushrooms and asking for advice are all good and well, but there has got to be an easier way.

Leave and exit the event.

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1. Bury me in black sands Soul Sand Cove 06:11 PM, 10-28-2023 03:07 PM, 03-31-2024