
practice makes perfect

The Judge


09-18-2013, 12:52 PM


Round 1

9 for clarity- I got the general moves he was making, but you need to add more to your posts. What direction was he turning (right, left?) which direction was his head angled?

10 for powerplaying- None.

6 for defenses- - Good starting defenses, but they need more explanation. Equally balanced including tail up with legs spread. (this would count as one defense, since both of those are applied to equaling balance). Ears pinned back. Head dipped down to protect throat. There should be at least four to five defenses in every post.

5 for attack- Charging forward, twists head with jaws open, aiming for her right foreleg. Paws(including toes correct? Don't forget to add that!) spread open, prepared to take impact. The attack is good, but once again, more clarification needed. What angle is his head at? Is it toward his right, or toward his left? (her inner, or outer foreleg?) This can all determine how Satis would go about her counter attack. Also, in your attack section, it says he wants "to shove the leg under her causing her to lose balance" in your actual post, you did not explain that. Make sure you do, because the post is what matters! You should also have two attacks in each post, that way if one completely fails, he has something to fall back on.

0 for injuries-First round

Round one Oddity Total: 30/50


9 for clarity- Everything was pretty much clear, but when it came to your attack, it was a bit confusing seeing that she might not be able to move fast enough to get his throat, unless she was biting the side of his scruff, as opposed to the direct middle. Exactly what part of the scruff was she going for?

10 for powerplaying- None.

9 for defenses- Eyes narrowed, weight evenly distributed including toes splayed, stance square, and tail aligned with spine. (counted as one defense, since it is all explaining how her balance is distributed) Ears are pinned. Drops body to protect fore-balance. One or two more defenses add would have boosted you up a point.

8 for attack- Tilts head to the right, jaws aiming to grabs Oddity's scruff, attempting to gain control over him. Drops her weight more, attempting to keep him at bay until she were able to release, then she would go for the underside of his neck, or his throat. If she could get close enough, she would pinch his jugular and try to make him pass out. (Attempting to do everything is a must, I just can't see how she could go from his scruff to his throat. What part of his scruff was she going for? Direct middle, or toward the side?) The picture makes sense, but you need to explain it in your post as well. I also did not know she was angled, I assumed they were head on.

0 for injuries-First round

Round one Satis Total: 36/50

Round 2


4 for clarity- The grammar and explanation in your post was off. Make sure you clearly write out your posts, and read them before you post. Rights and lefts also need to be taken into more consideration.

10 for powerplaying- Points taken for ignoring Satis's full attack from injuries.

5 for defenses- Paws set firmly against ground, trying to push his weight against Satis. Ears pinned back. Again you need a few more defenses for a perfect ten. What is his tail doing at this moment? His eyes, are they open or narrowed? His toes, are they splayed? You MUST redo ALL defenses in every post.

6 for attack- While she has his scruff, he released her shoulder, recoils, and goes for the area between her shoulder and neck. Again, you need more than one attack in each round. Jaw movement, and possibly claws, some attempt at blinding, ect.

2 for injuries- Tear near his scruff. He should have taken a lot more damage than this. You did not take into consideration Satis's recoil if her attack were to succeed. What happened then? Is she in the middle of going for his throat as he is moving to get his target? Technically, Satis could have assumed her full attack hit, and pp to get his windpipe since her attack was disregarded. Be careful with this!

Round two Oddity Total: 27/50


10 for clarity- Everything was clear.

6 for powerplaying. In your post, you had Satis use his weight to push her over. That was fine, but having her try to scoot beneath him without giving him any time to react was pp. It was a fairly large move with almost no consideration for how Oddity would instantly react. Remember, each move would only last a few seconds or so before the opponent acts against it.

10 for defenses. Chin tucked to protect throat, haunches coiled, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tense, tail tucked beneath her legs to guard her abdomen and genitalia. Perfect defenses!

10 for attack. Allows his weight to push her toward her left, she lands on her back, then tries to get beneath him. If she manages to get beneath him, she will strike, repeating her attack, going to his jugular so she can suffocate him until he passes out. While doing so, she is attempting to kick his abdomen with her hind legs. Great attack, but, points were taken off in pp.

7 for injuries. Skin tear and significant hair loss to the area between the shoulder and neck. I feel like his attack should have at least punctured the skin, since he was pretty close to his target.

Round two Satis Total: 43/50

Round 3

7 for clarity- Again, not very clear writing.

8 for powerplaying. You don't give her the opportunity to either hold onto his face, or release in her next attack.

2 for defenses. Chin tucked down. That was the only actual defense you mentioned in your post. Remember, always redo them!

2 for attack. He was attempting to bite the leg that was kicking, but it was her back legs that were kicking, and with him lowering his body, how could he possibly reach beneath him to bite her paw? Make sure you read your opponents posts all the way through before you write yours.

5 for injuries. Though the scraping along the eye would be correct, you cannot assume that Satis will instantly release and wont instantly attack. Remember, fights happen on a few second pause between each attack. Watch a video of wolves fighting. See how fast they move?

Round three Oddity Total: 23/50


10 for clarity- Post was clear.

8 for powerplaying. " the woman retaliating instantly as she would rock her fore-weight forward just enough to hook his own left forelimb" you can't assume she would hook his leg.

10 for defenses. Tail still tucked, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, abdomen tight, chin tucked, hackles raised.

10 for attack. Going for his eye again, hoping to do further damage. Pushing her back leg into his left back leg, then recoils and goes for his left forelimb.

10 for injuries. snout bruising, minor cuts on right hind foot. More damage to be determined with Oddity's next attack.

Round three Satis Total: 48/50

Round 4

8 for clarity- Watch your wording.

10 for powerplaying. - None.

0 for defenses. There were not defenses explained in this post.

4 for attack. Going for the top of her head. There should be at least one or two different attacks added with this one.

7 for injuries. Gash under eye, tearing on scruff and left forelimb. Her teeth would have done more damage than a tear around his forelimb.

Round four Total: 29/50


10 for clarity- Clear post.

10 for powerplaying. None

10 for defenses. Ears back, eyes narrowed, tail tucked, abdomen tense, hackles raised.

10 for attack. Kicks back limbs into Oddity's stomach again, shakes her head violently while attached to his limb.

8 for injuries. Grazing to the sides of her head. I feel like his teeth would have at least torn her flesh a bit more, don't be scared to let your character take some damage.

Round four Satis Total: 48/50


Oddity: 109/200

Satis: 175/200

And the winner is...

Satis! Oddity must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Oddity- Gashes under and above his left eye, tearing on the side of his neck, rough tearing on left forelimb. One OOC week for all injuries to heal. Gashes under eye may result in permanent scarring.

Satis- Shallow skin wound/ tearing to right shoulder along with significant hair loss between shoulder and neck, snout bruising, minor cuts on hind right foot, grazing to the sides of head. One OOC week for all injuries to heal.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Seimei You really need to read your posts before you post them. Make sure to work several defenses in every post. Also, make sure you remember that each attack happens in a matter of seconds, so movement will be limited.

For Yumpy Watch your powerplaying and movement. Remember, too much movement will knock you down!

You both did very well! I enjoyed using this spar for my first judging lesson. The beginning is a lot more detailed than the end, but that's because I was learning off of it :) - By [Aislyn]