
Is That A Bear?

Rhaz, Zeke


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
12-12-2023, 02:18 PM

Following behind his beloved niece and the boy who claimed to be her distant cousin, Rhazien couldn’t help but study the duo. Both were the same age, one he knew very well, and the other, a new chain in their armor. Admittedly, he had a rather interesting relationship with the girl… as he did all of his nieces and nephews. Quite protective over her, given she was an only child. And my, was she a beautiful one. He’d never turn down the opportunity to slaughter something. But, his primary reason for joining her on this little hunt, was so he could spend time with her.

Locating the lumbering beast was an easy feat, even with the sudden change in weather. Snow flurries rose into the air, lining their coats, helping them blend in with the snowy landscape. “Any furs you’d like, I will harvest for you, Kaino.” Crooning her name, flashing her his devilishly suave smile. If the girl desired a soft pelt to sleep on, he would help her get it. Shifting his gaze to Zee, he expected the boy to do the same.

Watching her encircle the bear, Rhazien took a more forward approach. Leaping out into the clearing, snarling, snapping his jaws. He would draw the bear's attention, so Kaino could bite into its heel. And, once it began to spin and tried to dislodge his niece. Rhazien would lunge forward, grabbing onto its shoulder with his serrated fangs.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.