
I will climb every hill, every mountain Till I've seen them all




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
12-12-2023, 11:08 PM

Beauregard hadn’t meant for the talk to betray so many worries, but the truth was the man was inexperienced when it came to the concept of leading a pack. He had never held a leadership role, simply watched his great grandmother, Wren, and Bellamy as they led their own packs. Of them, he found the most kinship in the woman who was now recovering within the Hallows. He longed to protect those he cared for, to protect those who should never worry about being hurt, and as that number grew he found that his path strayed from Ethne. As Artorias rose, speaking of the beginnings of the Hallows, Beauregard allowed his focus to linger on the other alpha. He would give a small nod and smile to young Ember as she left, a twinge of guilt for bringing such heavy topics up in front of a pup. But it was hard not to worry. Would he be a strong enough leader for those who chose to follow him?

Beauregard listened to the wisdom Artorias offered, taking deep breaths to relax his nerves. Anxiety could trouble him when he started fretting for loved ones, but he could not let it rule him. His mates had faith in him, his members had faith in him, and even Artorias seemed confident that Norad would survive. As the Aegis mentioned forming relationships, the man would give a small nod of both understanding and gratitude. “Thank you, Artroias.” More than anything he just wanted his loved ones to be safe. As any alpha might. “I believe in our members, and the variety of skills they have. I just want to make sure we can get through this rougher start. Once we get our footing… I’m sure we will thrive.” Winter could be unforgiving if you weren’t prepared, but unlike some packs, Norad had those it seemed to be able to count on.

As Artorias mentioned where he could find the herbs, Beauregard lifted a brow. “The God’s Garden, huh? My adoptive daughter spoke of meeting a winged boy there…” He mused. The location of herbs would be important, and if the land was close enough for Bellatrix to get to then he could get Noelle there and back safely as many times as they had to to collect the herbs they needed. Then, as Artorias mentioned his own experience with children Beauregard gave a soft chuckle. “I’m… definitely out of my element… The way I’ve seen Ethne care for their young versus how things were handled in my birth pack were very different. I’ve got no idea what I’m doing, or how much space I should give them so they can grow… or anything.” He glanced back towards the direction of the cedar forest he called home.

“We have the surrogate living with us in our den. My mates and their companions, well…” He looked back at Artroias, a bit of pride and love bringing a small smile to his lips. “They’ve come up with a way to create structures for above ground dens. Inspired by the castle you call home.” An idea came to the Artifex then, and he tilted his head to the side. “The Hallows have more lands beside this one, right? Maybe you could benefit from one or two of them in exchange for your aid once the weather turns?” Beauregard knew the castle was massive, and storage there would be no problem at all. But perhaps they had resources in their other lands that could use such a place, or even a little hideout for his youngest litter. Kids like when they have their own spots, don't they? Grateful as he would be for aid from the Hallows, he’d feel even happier to share something back with them, and build on what could be a friendship between the two packs.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

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1. I will climb every hill, every mountain Till I've seen them all Amron's Castle 09:09 PM, 11-05-2023 07:46 PM, 03-18-2024