
Waiting on The Morning Sun

Kaino <3


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
12-13-2023, 12:48 AM
Nila’s heart sank a bit at the news she already knew was coming. But it didn’t make it any less distressing for her. Nila’s eyes continued to roam over Kaino’s frame. Drinking in each of her movements like she was lust itself.  She was so enthralled in the beauty of the woman before her it took her a minute to realize what she’d said to her. Luxury.  The only luxury Nila knew was the friendship she had with Kaino. Of the feeling of being laid in bed with her. Past that the term was foreign to her.

She was almost taken in by the dream until Kaino brought up more Sidi. And Nila’s heart beat rapidly. She knew this was common practice. It shouldn’t surprise her. But the thought of others being taken, sold into this life. Being with Kaino was everything but the memories of her mother began to flash through her mind. The blood, the pain, the abuse. She herself was just that… a Sidi. Owned not free as much as Kaino tried to protect her from that life. The life her mother had… it made her stomach churn.

She looked at her, her stomach uneasy. Their eyes met and she nodded in agreement. She knew, she knew very well what they were like. All of them except her Kaino. “I do know…” she practically whispered. Scared she’d throw up as her stomach did barrel rolls.

Then her tone switched to one of protective nature. And it made her heart flutter. The Russet woman drew closer to her lover. Cause I’m that moment that’s how she was acting. Pressing her nose to Kaino’s cheek, her subtle way of soothing her. “I understand ” she said simply before she sat beside her, pressing her shoulder to Kaino’s.

Kainos next words had her heart dropping. Kaino and her mother had always protected her. She’d never had any of her own stories of abuse at the hands of a saxe. Because Kaino was always her shield. It was always a fear of hers, but until now it had been just that, a fantasy fear. But this made it real, way to real. She let out a soft whine. “If anyone hurts me, you’ll know. I’d run to you.”
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]

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1. Waiting on The Morning Sun The Polar Sound 06:54 PM, 12-11-2023 12:59 PM, 03-08-2024