
alright fellas, let's rock



12-14-2023, 02:24 AM
Elara looks at her with surprise, and Hydrae tilts her head in turn, slowly smiling in the sort of way that flashes those gnarly teeth. She wags her little tail, because this, you see, is a fun game, the sort of game that gives her a rare advantage: get one over on Elara.

"Then get up here!" Hydrae calls down, immediately ignoring her sister's attempt at authority; why should they care? Elara's just one of the pups, after all. They're all siblings, and Elara's posturing is just that. Posturing. When Elara declares a race, however, Hydrae snickers, whistles through her teeth, and carries up right after Elara, just as briskly. "Good day f'a walkie!" And Hydrae grins. Playful, in her strange-humored way. "Don't fall, Sis'a!" And with that, Hydrae gives a little hop, leaning into the incline, little puppy paws working quick to carry them on forward.

This is fun, and Phobia isn't even here to ruin it by trying to be the leader. Why do so many of their siblings care about that? Don't they understand what they're missing out on while they're busy squabbling for power?

Hydrae snorts a little at the thought, not quite able to comprehend it all the way through.

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1. alright fellas, let's rock Redwater Rocks 01:40 AM, 11-16-2023 04:39 PM, 03-08-2024