


09-18-2013, 03:18 PM

He heard them giggling and romping in the distance, and chuckled slightly. He should have known they wouldn't be far off, though it was likely that one or more of them would venture farther than he thought they should. Maverick had had every intention of keeping them locked in the den forever, but somewhere along the line sanity had kicked in and he realized that he had to let them go or they would rebel against his authority and leave for good. He didn't think his heart could take that, and so here they were - frolicking in the forest only a short distance from both of their parents. This way wasn't too bad either.

"Much nicer than I'm used to," admittedly he had been lonely on his patrolling - this was a much more wonderful alternative to the solo career life he'd been living lately. She would comment on how quickly the time had passed, to which he would cast his vision at the children - eyes falling on Quintus who was easily the largest of the blood-children. "Yes it has, I can hardly believe how quickly they have grown." Leaf gaze would shift back to her as an ear flickered back. "I love them, but I have missed our time together. It's different now, isn't it?" Of course the question was partially rhetorical, as she couldn't possibly hope to deny that things weren't different now.

Perhaps he understood now what had happened between Gerhardt and Adette. The two of them had poured themselves wholeheartedly into their adopted children and their responsibilities, Maverick could hardly imagine they had much time to kindle their own relationship. He would make a silent vow in the confines of his mind to never let that happen to he and Epiphron, that would be the end of everything he ever knew and loved - and he wouldn't allow it so long as his heart beat in his chest.
