
What Doesn't Kill You /May/ Make You Stronger



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2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
12-14-2023, 06:36 PM
Home. He was almost home. He could feel it, even if he didn't really know where he was. He'd been walking a long time, even had to raft for a bit to get back to Boreas. He barely even remembered leaving this land to begin with, but he would certainly never forget the waves and seasickness he got from said waves when he was young. It all hit him like a ton of bricks when he made the trip back, though that was the least of his pain.

If he didn't know any better, he would say that stepping paw on Boreas again had given him a ear-splitting migraine. His eyes were crossing it hurt him so bad, but he wouldn't let a little headache stop him. That was days ago, though, and it really hadn't gotten any better. He was walking like he was drunk, paws crossing over the last with each step and nearly stumbling with every other one. He wasn't even really thinking clearly, and hadn't he seen that old machine buried in the ground already? He wasn't walking in circles, was he??

Raure paused for a moment, but he shouldn't have stopped. Apparently, what little momentum he had was keeping him upright because he slumped over into the dirt the moment he stopped. Groaning, Raure tried to get up but his world was spinning and he felt like he was swimming in the depths of the ocean. Maybe his body was just telling him that he needed a nap? He certainly hadn't been sleeping well, so it was worth a shot. He finally closed his crossed, tired eyes with another groan and succumbed to his migraine.

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1. What Doesn't Kill You /May/ Make You Stronger Veteran's Plateau 06:36 PM, 12-14-2023 03:23 AM, 02-13-2024