
shadow boxing




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (70)

2 Years
Extra large

12-14-2023, 06:46 PM
The unknown wolf sheathes their dagger, closing the space between them in a few swift steps as they answer the question that Unagi had put forth. Mouth rounds into an ‘O’ at the excitement of getting to see someone use a weapon to train with. Head tilts to the side as they mention that they will be the greatest warrior the Armada has ever seen and the rotund girl’s mismatched gaze sweeps over their features as she attempts to memorizes them. If they are going to be the greatest warrior of the Armada (whatever that is), then it is probably a good idea to remember them!

Scanning their face, Unagi nods absently to herself as she says, “I can see it. My name is Unagi. May I know the name of the Armada’s greatest warrior?” Tail wags behind the fat pup rapidly and her words are absolutely sincere since the girl has no doubt that this stranger can be whatever they wish if they put their mind to it since it seems to be true for most of the wolves that the black and white pup knows. While she herself may appear to be fat and lazy, the truth is, she couldn’t be further from those things if she tried. With each passing day, the layers of puppy fat are giving way to muscle and she trains rigorously to understand the limits of her body.

As the wolf invites her to have a go, sweetening the pot with lending her the dagger if they spar first, Unagi’s eyes light up with joy. Barking a happy, “You’re on!” the girl is quick to backpedal away and settle into her defensive stance. Ears pin back, hackles bristle, lips peel back, eyes narrow, and her head lowers to align her spine. The height difference is evident between the two but she does not count out her opponent because of it since Unagi knows that they will both have their own sets of strengths. For her, the extra weight means she can absorb blows better but she sacrifices speed for it. With her defenses set, she dips her head in a show of readiness, allowing the other wolf to make the first move as she excitedly waits to see what they can do.

OOC (in case the fight judges are curious about the age): Unagi was a pup when this thread started so I am putting her age as under 1 for the fight.

"Hattori-Klein Unagi"

Unagi vs Araneae for Spar
Round 0/?
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Novice Fighter & Advanced Hunter

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