
Don’t Look at Me That Way

Absinth <3


The Syndicate

Expert Intellectual (140)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
12-14-2023, 07:04 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2023, 07:05 PM by Nila. Edited 1 time in total.)
Nila was starting to become familiar with her new home, she could easily find her way around the Polar sound now and always knew how to get back to her bed with Kaino. That’s all that mattered to her anyway, always being able to return to her Silver and Lavender lover.

Today she was out exploring while Kaino was out doing something that demanded her time. Nai hated it, how often she was left alone to her own thoughts. She almost wished what Kaino had insinuated was true. That they’d be swimming in Sidi. At least then she’d have equals, friends even. Because now her life was Kaino and loneliness.

It made her sick to think about how she could even wish this life on others just for her own selfish needs. But it had been forced onto her. How was she to know if life past this was any better. Maybe it was better to just belong to someone anyway.

She huffed outwardly as all these thoughts began to swarm through her mind. She needed a distraction and fast. She moved a bit more clumsily now, trying to outrun her own thoughts when she came across a familiar looking plant.

She slowed herself, stopping to stare at the little red-ish pink flowers that bloomed around little bulbs. She lowered herself to the ground now, a paw on either side of the plant as she tried to remember the name of it.
Nila is rated 3-3-3, TW to anyone threading with her.

Kaino has permission to Join in any of Nila’s Threads as her Master.

[Image: Ns0L0GC.png]

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1. Don’t Look at Me That Way The Polar Sound 07:04 PM, 12-14-2023 01:36 PM, 05-15-2024