
Oops all spooks

Halloween 2023



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
12-14-2023, 11:53 PM

It appeared–at least at first–that his assumptions about the time worn bridges were correct. Up close it was obvious that they had stood the test of time for a reason so he felt pretty confident in his choice... up until the point where he felt one of the boards crack and splinter under his feet. With a gasp he scrambled and quickly climbed his way back to safety, gladly taking the help of the dark-coated guide when it was offered to him. He grimaced and grit his teeth at the sharp, searing pain from the splash of lava that cut across his paw, the hot, molten material searing straight through to his skin. It certainly wasn't a pleasant feeling, but if it was that or falling face first into the lava pool this was certainly the better outcome. "Thanks," he said with a sigh once he was on solid ground again and on the other side of this obstacle.

Moving forward and doing his best to focus on the path ahead instead of his seared paw, Ciná looked around at the wide piece of flat, smooth stone that dominated the next space. With a glance over at his guide he could tell that he was expected to find a way to get across the moat, though there was no obvious path forward that he could see. With a hum he considered it, eyeing the surrounding stalagmites and glancing behind him the way he came. After his mishap on the bridges he wasn't too keen on using the planks from before to get across now, but he liked that idea better than attempting to jump across or find some way to balance on the pointed stones. While wondering why he was doing this all, Ciná went back to the previous room and began to drag some of the more sturdy looking pieces of the old bridges so he could reconstruct them in this new room to make himself–and his guide–a way across.

ooc: picking the wisdom option!


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1. Oops all spooks Lover's Mangrove 02:48 PM, 10-22-2023 05:21 AM, 05-01-2024