
bunny season



12-16-2023, 02:13 AM

The weather was dreary and far cooler than one might expect for middle of spring but all the same the arrival of the season had Leaf in high spirits. The yearling had spent much of her day on a stroll through the range, keeping an eye on the livestock that Avalon kept. She was sure they were thankful for the grass, though with how often it had been raining, she was sure that they would be back in the barn well before nightfall. For the better, Leaf thought. The new lambs didn’t have wool that was as thick as the adults, and if they got soaked they could get sick for sure. They were so cute beside their mothers, bleating and running around to play. Leaf found herself smiling as she watched them. The sheep deserved their respect and protection. They were more than just prey, as Corbie had said.

Speaking of Corbie… a call from her alpha came for her. Leaf’s ears perked, her smile slipping into a thoughtful frown. Corbie had said that she was going to meet with each of her siblings in turn, and apparently it was her turn now. The girl would turn away from the pastures and set off for the orchard at once, tail swishing behind her as she went to see what her meeting with the alpha would hold for her.

Leaf found Corbie sitting upon some rawhide and waiting for her. The girl’s smile found its way back to her face as she approached the older she wolf. With a tip of her head the yearling took a seat upon the hide herself. “Corbie.” She greets the alpha with a small tip of her head. “Not the best weather this spring, huh?” A soft chuckle leaves her lips. Despite the comment it is clear by her tone and demeanor that Leaf doesn’t mind the wet weather. Rain was necessary for things to grow, for all life to continue existing. The seasons would balance themselves out.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. bunny season The Orchard 12:45 AM, 12-05-2023 07:09 AM, 03-04-2024