
Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't

Lurid(Amarix's welcome)


12-16-2023, 02:20 AM

It's not sin, or a murder for carnal disgrace

Mortem watched everything Lurid did. If one were to say he was stupid, then they were fooled. Mortem was just as cunning and observant as the others of his kind. But the cold brutish front probably made many question his intellect levels. He knew where his own daughter had received her cunning intelligence from, and for as cold as he was to her, he was doing her a favor. If Lurid had more to do with her training then he did she would come out better for it. Lurid wasn't as much of a brute, and was more cunning than he was.

Her tail wag went noticed but he said nothing about it. Though he was proud he could bring some happiness to his goddess. He wasn't sure who the first to bring children into the world was but if it was him then he was solidifying Lurid's empire. He would proudly do so more if she needed, though he cared not for children nor for taking a wife. It would be distracting from his one true love. Battle was only a mere second to Lurid, nothing could compare to her.

His lips turned up with the slightest smirk, before allowing the emotion to fade as Lurid gave him permission to fetch Vita and come back. "I shall not be long, I feel you will enjoy the child I bring to you as if she were your own." and with that he lifted himself, no need for goodbyes. He would return as fast as possible. His paws lead him out of sight of Lurid. Closer to the edge of the forest. It was his way of keeping vita safe enough when he had found a fresh sign of Vermin.

He moved to the old fox den, it was well too small for him to enter, one reason he had chosen to tell her to stay there. As he approached he did not mask himself, even allowing for his paws to be loud enough the child would know she was not alone now. Only two words were spared to her as he came to the spot.

As soon as she followed his orders and came out he did a thing he had not since she had gained the ability to walk. His jaws closed on her, lifting her by the scruff, neither had words for the other though. He ignored her raised brow and set back towards Lurid. His pace was brisk and faster than if he had let the child walk on her own.

As he finally came back with Vita he moved towards Lurid. His jaws dropping Vita who let out an oomph quietly as he unceremoniously dropped her on her ass. His body moved over the top of her and towards Lurid. Moving to stand off beside Lurid and facing Vita as he came to an about face.

"Here she is my goddess, Vita Amarix. This is your aunt child and a goddess, show her the proper respect she deserves...." his words were proud when announcing Lurid to Vita, and warm as he spoke to Lurid, but he gave Vita his one warning. He would not tolerate any disrespect for Lurid.

The reaper was home, ready to serve Lurid's every whim and to make those who spoke to her respect her or die for it. This was Mortem. His black eyes didn't move from the child waiting and observing. His ears listening for the judgment from Lurid.

Walk, "Talk", Think

That would be unlawful, and sloth filled
Art by Asena; lines by BioZev

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1. Fear the reaper, or be stupid and don't Soulless Forest 11:06 AM, 11-23-2023 05:24 AM, 05-01-2024