
Green grass and high tides

Magpie, Cricket


12-16-2023, 02:31 AM

It was another cloudy day, the steely gray lumps in the skies threatening to bring rain sooner rather than later. All the same Leaf had invited her sister Magpie to join her in a land that neighbored Avalon. While Leaf adored both the Range and Orchard, it was nice to step into some unfamiliar territory and take in more of the world with her own eyes. And what a strange land this was! Rather than the overgrown fields of the range a large stretch of land lay before her. The grass here grew in sparse patches, sections of dirt mixed in with the path. Sections of soil were darker than others, almost as if it had been stained with the destruction of the past. Bloody battles once raged…

Evidence of the fights humans once had still littered the battlefield. Debris and old hunks of metal were scattered about in various sizes. Even the occasional bone, bleached from the sun, could be seen here and there. Leaf’s gaze flicked over the different items scattered about. Such strange things… though she didn’t doubt they had their uses. The yearling would come to a stop in a relatively “clear” section of the battlefield and sit, lifting her head to the sky. She hoped that Magpie would come and join her. Leaf adored her family, and the chance to spend some time with her siblings was always welcomed. And besides, she had a story to tell her sister! Like herself, and most of their siblings, truthfully, Magpie had an interest in hunting, and boy did Leaf have a story for her!

Maybe she had seen the very chonker that Leaf had encountered? She supposed that was likely, considering she had encountered the beast within the orchard. If it came back she’d have to tell Corbie, but man, it had been a blast trying to get ahold of it! Would retelling the story be even more delightful, Leaf wondered? Well, it would if her sister showed up!


Word Count: 332 Words
Total Word Count: 332 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. Green grass and high tides Veteran's Plateau 02:31 AM, 12-16-2023 08:01 AM, 01-30-2024