
You're gonna need a body bag

Bae-Syl [Fighting Seasonal]



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

12-16-2023, 03:06 AM
Bae had been pretty busy today. His patrols being part of that, the second part was with his traps. Someone, or something had sabotaged a section of them. It was frustrating, and he had lost track of time. By the time he had fixed them and returned to his patrolling it was well after the noon. He had promised to take Baecette to the creek tomorrow to practice fishing but he wouldn't let the boy set a paw anywhere outside the den if he wasn't certain it was safe first.

His patrolling took him to the border with the cathedral and it was there he lost track of time. He had stopped, looking out at where Gav had last lived. He had always had thoughts of the what ifs. What if he had been closer that day? What if he had been with the healer? Would he have been able to prevent his wife and bells from ever having to be broken?

The thoughts were always swirling there. He had always hoped that no one blamed him, but secretly he shouldered the blame himself. If he wasn't so caught up in the world that was himself and Luce he would of been on the border that day. Had Gav screamed he would of intervened.

A sigh passed from his lips.

The sun had set and in the night it was cold and clouds were beginning to set in. He moved and turned towards the falls. Luce would come looking. He didn't need her finding him like this. She already feared he was losing himself he could tell. She kept lavender and other herbs nearby. It was what a healer who saw a demon emerging would do.

As the wind turned and started to whip a sound breached his ears. A roar. Not like that of a normal in the distance, but a predator hunting something in the direction of home. Immediately instinct sent him into response mode. He broke from his relaxed gait into a sprint towards the noise. The wind bringing a male jaguars musk to him as well as another scent he knew intimately. Lucette. His pace gunned forward as fast as he could.

As he broke upon the scene Luce was running towards his direction and the cat after her. His eyes narrowed and a sound akin to a demonic roar came from his chest and maw. Loud and deep. His legs sent him leaping over the top of Lucy and landing directly in the cats path. His tail was lifted and legs wide as he stopped. His back hair was on end. A murderous intent for this cat in his eyes.

The cat had chosen the wrong prey tonight.

Lucy and his pack were his.

As the cat came to leap and try to get past him he lunged. His own body colliding with the cats. Snarls and growls from the both filled the air as they both came to their back paws standing and trying for each other's vitals. Claws slicing into bae as his fangs ripped flesh from the cat.

Their bodies came back to all fours and bae had earned the cats attention now. They circled one another. The cat hissing and bae releasing that same snarl to answer. This cat was going to line Lucy's bed now. Bae would see to it. How dare it.

As it finally moved to go for Lucy again bae was quick to retaliate. His fangs grabbing ito its right hip and spilling its blood. It was on then. The cat turned and latched into his face with its claws, narrowly missing his eyes. And its mouth missing his throat as he shoved his shoulder forward into its mouth. Its teeth gripping into his shoulder.

Bae spared the smallest glance into Lucy's direction seeking her eyes, apology in them before they hardened as he moved them back to the caspanhe could of been too late again. But not this time.

Snarls of not only anger and pain ripped from both. Its back limb unable to be placed down as Bae refused it being able to move. It was having to keep its other leg and its last forepaw grounded to stay upright. That was the point of this though. Bae wouldn't risk anyone but himself.

He tighted his grip sending a yowl from the cat as he tore at its muscle. It was trying to do the same to him. They were eye to eye in the moment. The wind was being loud enough to hopefully keep Hay and others away from this scene.

Neither male was backing down tonight.

Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

Words: 773
Total: 1724

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.

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1. You're gonna need a body bag Cattail Creek 02:00 AM, 12-16-2023 08:02 AM, 01-30-2024