
Protect What's Yours

Fight Training.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (70)

2 Years
Extra large

12-16-2023, 06:16 PM

Unagi’s eyes sparkle with wonder as her tiny paw lays overtop of one the giant male’s own. But he doesn’t pay her much, or actually any, attention and the excited pup visibly wilts. Head droops and she quickly scuttles backwards, butt plopping down onto the ground as she keeps her head lowered and eyes on her white toes. Ears swivel around as she listens to the others arrive and join her, no words spoken until the last one arrives and seats themselves with the other pup that isn’t her. Only when the huge man introduces himself does the girl lift her gaze, expression as neutral as a pup can make it (which isn’t really neutral at all and shows the hurt she feels loudly) and they are instructed to form pairs.

Pink and black eyes dart over to the other two pups that are already seated beside each other and she offers a small, quiet sigh as she stands and moves to the oldest student in the area. Stopping in front of him, the girl looks up at the red and black male, that she knows is related to her but doesn’t completely understand how, and offers her name, “I’m Unagi.” Lips tick up for the briefest of moments before the grin is falling away and she looks to Chimera… just as he points to her. Eyes blink wide in surprise and she swiftly turns her attention back to the full-grown adult in front of her.

Eyes dart over him quickly and do not find any elongated teeth, talons, or other mutations that would easily stand out. With a tilt of her head, the young pup eyes the tall man up and down before she looks back to Chimera and says, “I would go for his ankles.” The words are confident and the pup knows that, while she is too small to do any kind of real damage to him, the ankles have tons of tendons that she could sever to hobble the tall man and possibly even bring him down to her level. Her dad has already taught her a thing or two about how fighting at her current height.

"Hattori-Klein Unagi"

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1. Protect What's Yours Wolfpaw Lake 12:03 PM, 04-11-2023 04:36 PM, 03-08-2024